Reactions & results

Quotes from participants
Mohammad Ayoub, activist & director NAHNOO, Lebanon

“It is an inspiring experience that took us a step forward toward the change.”

Imad, activist at Pax, Sudan

“It is a dynamic motivated working group that can visualize and realize required change. The experience is appealing to reproduce.”

Armen Papyan, activist at Peace Dialogue, Armenia

“It was very useful due to the good team work and exchange with other activists. I’ve learned a lot, especially about making campaigns and make it work properly.”

Various activists from Lebanon

“Our minds were opened for new projects”
“I like that the Activist Academy was action orientated”
“The creativity of the group was pushed under time pressure. That gave great results!”

Outcomes for the Lebanon programme of PAX effective peace activism
  • capacity development of partner organisation & participants
  • network strengthening
  • network broadening
  • action-orientated peace activism plans

Follow-up activities

PAX is supporting NAHNOO in developing the outcomes of the Activist Academy into a comprehensive plan for peace activism. NAHNOO organises regular meetings for the follow up and actively involves the Academy’s participants in their peace work.

PAX continues the talks with the participants to see how their specific expertise or their organisation can support to the work of NAHNOO and if an Activist Academy could serve their peace work.

Think an Activist Academy is something for you? Want to spark your partner’s activities? Contact Pim Gerritsen (, Guido de Graaf Bierbrauwer ( or Evert-Jan Grit (